WAVE Drowning Detection System
thanks to Gengras Subaru
The YMCA announced that Gengras Subaru will be recognized as the Y’s Water Safety Partner. Proceeds from today’s donation will be used to purchase a new drowning prevention system that will be used to keep kids safe at Camp MOE this summer and at the Torrington YMCA throughout the winter months. The WAVE system is a powerful tool which increases awareness and reduces stress for lifeguards, swimmers and parents. WAVE technology is a wearable system which carefully monitors how long a swimmer’s face is submerged in water and will issue an immediate alert to facility members if a swimmer is submerged beyond the maximum allowable time. This simple to use system, which was brought to the Y by the generosity and partnership of Gengras Subaru, will provide additional safety and peace of mind for aquatics enthusiasts, staff and parents.